Day Parking Terms & Conditions

Day Parking Terms & Conditions

Day Car Parking Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions are Binding: Day Car Parking Tickets are sold or given and admission to the Day Car Parking Site is granted on the express condition that you are bound by these Terms and Conditions and any other rules and regulations issued by Promoter (Day Car Parking T+Cs). By purchasing a Day Car Parking Ticket and/or accessing the Day Car Parking Site you agree to be bound by the Day Car Parking T+Cs.

  1. Access: Day Cark Parking Tickets can only be purchased by patrons holding a valid 2025 Promoter Full Festival Ticket OR Single Day Ticket for the Day/s of Entry.
  2. Entry: entry to the Day Car Parking Site will only be granted with the presentation of a valid Day Car Parking Single Day Ticket or Day Car Parking Weekend Ticket via your AXS Mobile ID Account.
  3. One Ticket Per Car: Day Car Parking Tickets apply to one (1) car in the Day Car Parking Site only. The Day Car Parking Ticket does not permit entry to the Festival Site or the Campgrounds.
  4. No Rideshare or Bus Access: Day Car Parking Tickets are applicable for private use cars and motorbikes only.  Day Car Parking Tickets are not valid for taxis, ubers, minibuses, buses or other rideshare vehicles.
  5. Cars and Motorbikes Only: only cars and motorbikes are permitted to access the Day Car Parking Site. The following are not permitted in the Day Car Parking Site:

       - cars with trailers or caravans

       - RVs, camper trailers, campervans or motorhomes

       - Trucks, minibuses or buses

       - Any other vehicle deemed by Festival personnel not to be a car or motorbike.

  1. Days and Hours of Operation: the Day Car Parking Site will operate from 8:00am until 11:55pm (or as long as it takes for all vehicles to leave each day after the last performance) on:

       - Friday 21 March 2025

       - Saturday 22 March 2025

       - Sunday 23 March 2025

       No entry to the Day Car Parking Site will be granted outside of these dates and times.

  1. No overnight Parking or Sleeping in Cars permitted: cars cannot remain in the Day Car Parking Site overnight. Cars parked overnight in the Day Car Parking Site may be towed offsite at the owner’s cost.  Promoter reserves the right to enter the car to have it towed and you accept and agree that in such circumstances Promoter shall have no liability for any loss or damage caused as a result of entering and moving the car.
  2. Tailgating is strictly prohibited. Anyone caught tailgating will be refused entry to the Day Car Parking Site.
  3. Speed Limit:  the speed limit within the Day Car Parking Site will be as signposted, or if not signposted, then maximum of 10km per hour.
  4. Directions of Festival Personnel: all reasonable directions of Festival personnel and all signage and directions displayed within the Day Car Parking Site must be followed.
  5. Promoter’s Liability:  the services provided by Promoter will be rendered with due care and skill to the extent required by the Competition and Consumer Act (Cth) 2010 and applicable similar state legislation. Apart from such statutory liability, Promoter and the owner and/or lessee of the Day Car Parking Site will not be liable or responsible for any injury, damage or loss suffered or incurred by you or any person entering or when you enter or are on the Day Car Parking Site whether caused by the negligence of Promoter or that of the owner and/or lessee of the Day Car Parking Site (or their respective employees or agents), whether arising in tort, contract, bailment or otherwise.
  6. Indemnity: you agree to indemnify Promoter and owner and/or lessee of the Day Car Parking Site (as applicable) against any loss or damage Promoter and/or Day Car Parking Site and/or lessee may suffer arising out of your negligence or breach of the Day Car Parking T+Cs (as applicable).
  7. Release: to the full extent permitted by law, you waive all legal rights of action against and fully release Promoter and owner or lessee of the Day Car Parking Site (and their respective executive members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors or agents) from any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury, death, economic loss or consequential loss for any default, failure or negligence (to the extent permitted by law) in relation to entry to and presence on the Day Car Parking Site.
  8. Risk: entry to the Day Car Parking Site is at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, Promoter takes no responsibility for any personal or property damage, loss or injury. In the event of injury or illness Promoter may in its discretion, at your cost, arrange medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation as deemed necessary for your safety or the safety of other patrons at the Day Car Parking Site.
  9. Enforceability: any provision of the Day Car Parking T+Cs which is or becomes unenforceable shall not invalidate the other provisions of the Day Car Parking T+Cs.
  10. Variation to Terms and Conditions: Promoter may vary these Day Car Parking T+Cs at any time without notice. Any variations become effective immediately once the variation has been published on Promoter’s website. Any variations will not operate retrospectively.
  11. Dictionary: in these Day Car Parking T+Cs the following words have the following meanings:

       - Promoter means CMC Rocks Pty Ltd (ABN 29 614 691 977) of 135 Forbes Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011.

       - you and your means all persons accessing the Day Car Parking Site, whether or not those persons have purchased the Day Car        Parking Ticket.

       - Day Car Parking Site means all areas designated for daily parking of cars or motorbikes at or around the Willowbank Raceway as        determined by Promoter from time to time.


These Day Car Parking T+Cs were last updated on 28 August 2024